Monday 16 March 2009

Today's dose of lovely kittens and 'ting

In cat related news, unfortunately it turns out Odie (older daughter) is pregnant, or at least we are pretty sure, which necessitates a trib to be spayed and have her kittens aborted.

So, to cheer me and my readers up let's focus on the cute kittens who we're looking after.

AH! How cute is this photo?

From left to right it's The Bandit, Bootsy and Smokes. While smokes doesn't look it, he's significantly bigger than the others, and Bandit is still the tiniest (he's here in forced perspective). As you can also see, all of them have their eyes open, and their sight and hearing should develop over the next two weeks to the point of normality.

There you go! Now I have to clear out the catbox - great.


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